This was too funny to pass up - a bogus Christmas
card sent to voters in South Carolina with a quote from 1 Nephi (??)...note the bold text on the front of the card. The inside text was even better:
"We have now clearly shown that God the father had a plurality of wives, one or more being eternity by whom he begat our spirits as well as the spirit of Jesus, his first born, and another being upon the earth by whom he begat the tabernacle of Jesus, as his only begotten in this world"
That should sit well with the conservative voters in SC!!
See http://www.wtopnews.com/index.php?nid=213&sid=1318110 for additional information on this political mishap. It is amazing what people will do to try and discredit a presidental nominee.
You are doing a HORRIBLE job of keeping this updated. Where are all the preggo tummy pictures?
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